2019 2nd International Conference: Cross-curricular Language Learning
21-22 June 2019
Sheffield Institute of Education, Association for Language Learning
Our biannual conference welcomes researchers, teachers and trainee teachers and teacher educators interested in using cross curricular language learning techniques to increase motivation, confidence and attainment.
The 2019 conference seeks to move the development of cross curricular learning in Anglophone countries forward by bringing together expert researchers and practitioners to share and discuss good practice, practical ideas for the classroom and effective ways of working, in order to increase the motivation, confidence and progress of our learners. In response to the growing linguistic diversification and plurilingualism of an expanding Europe and in an increasingly globalised society, most European countries have successfully developed Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) as part of their national curriculum policy. The UK’s progress in developing CLIL has been slower than in many other European countries, and we have much to learn from Europe and from other Anglophone countries. This is a good timing for our conference, as UK practitioners’ interest in developing CLIL in other subjects and in EAL has been increasing, and when used in our schools it has led to high levels of concentration, effort, enjoyment and progress, and as a result has increased learner motivation. We look forward to welcoming you to our conference.
Sheffield, UK. Sheffield Institute of Education, Charles Street Building, Sheffield Hallam University (5 minute walk from train station
Early Bird:
£150 with £120 sponsored rates for teachers
Keynote Speakers
• Professor Do Coyle, University of Edinburgh
• Associate Professor Russell Cross, University of Melbourne
• Dr Kim Bower, Sheffield Hallam University
• Dr Yvonne Foley, The University of Edinburgh, EAL and CLIL pedagogy
• Kevin Schuck, The Netherlands, 4D lesson planning
• Main talks/workshops led by practitioners from successful CLIL and immersion projects including Bordesley Green Girls’ School & Sixth Form
• Show and tell from language teachers
• workshops primary and secondary by practitioners
If you would like to submit a paper or to offer a workshop or presentation for the conference further information can be found here (https://drive.google.com/file/d/19OY3S7QFwrGXMqLumcEImyO6DBpPBr0S/view), along with a submission form deadline 31 January