The Birmingham CLIL hub for Learning through Languages UK.
Welcome to the MFL Hub 2018!
Primary and Secondary Teachers
Commonwealth Games Project :putting Birmingham and many different languages on the world map
Why not bring a subject specialist with you as we have an exciting project to link MFL practitioners with subject practitioners. The need to speak a language is not essential as subject expertise is also important .
We hope that term has started well for you. We would like to invite you to our first meeting of the year, to be held at Bordesley Green Girls’ School, on Thursday 18th October from 4.00-5.00.
We will be looking at opportunities to be involved in an exciting CLIL resource development project for the Commonwealth Games, as well as developments relating to CLIL in the Apprenticeship world. If you would like to add any ideas to the agenda or bring resources to share, please let me know.
All are welcome – MFL and other subject teachers, curriculum leaders, academics, teacher trainees, students. We look forward to seeing you. Refreshments will be provided!
Updates on the new Learning Through Languages UK centre and the collaboration between BCC/ Aston University and BGGS.