
Working language: Multilingual

Creating your own CLIL activities

CLIL projects

Uk-based projects

  • CLIL4teachers, the resources wiki for teachers interested in Content and Language Integrated Learning (Flame, Association for Language Learning)

European Projects

  • European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe: European Commission Resources
  • Improving the effectiveness of language learning: CLIL and computer assisted language learning
  • Framing CLIL: 3-year Erasmus+ interdisciplinary project led by the Faculty of Education at Manchester Metropolitan University working collaboratively with Mathematics and Language colleagues in Cordoba, Salzburg, Brussels and Turin. A key aim is to explore the potential of game-based learning to support students’ numeracy, linguistic and digital literacy skills, with a particular focus on those students for whom the language of classroom instruction is not their main language.
  • ELAPSE: Embedding Languages across Primary and Secondary Education (Association for Language Learning)
  • Interacting for Teaching and Learning in CLIL – Italic:  (University of Aberdeen): ITALIC is about motivation to learn and student ‘gains’ in classrooms where a modern language is the medium for learning new content knowledge – an approach known as CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning
  • CLIL-SI (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) CLIL-SI is a collaborative network formed by the Language and Education (LED) university-based researchers working in partnership with teachers-as-researchers who are interested in improving language education in their schools through enquiry-based innovation projects.
  • CLIL-Matrix: collection of case profiles from ECML member states (33 countries), analysis of why CLIL is introduced and how good practice is achieved, and a description of quality factors in matrix form.
  • AICLE (Andalucia): Didactic sequences in English, French and German

Australian Projects

CLIL in action